Accommodation at Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge
If you've travelled far to attend The MJ Awards and would like to stay at the venue where the event takes place, the Park Plaza offers a range of rooms.
Use the promotional code MJ0624 for a 15% discount.
This discount is valid until 20 June 2024, for a maximum of 9 bedrooms per booking and applies to a bed and breakfast rate and room-only rate of each room category, subject to availability.
Terms and Conditions for this discount code:
- 15% Discount on best available rate online
- Discount is valid for bed and breakfast rate and room only rate of each room category, subject to availability
- Individual guests are responsible for settling their bed and breakfast and extras on departure
- Discount to be valid for B&B and Room only for each room category
- Discount code is valid until the day of arrival
Alternative hotel options
There are a host of overnight options available to you in the city.
If you are staying overnight, we recommend you book sooner rather than later due to availability.
Here are some options you can try:, Travel Lodge, Premier Inn, Trivago.